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[eltdf_section_title position=”center” title_tag=”” title_font_weight=”” enable_separator=”yes” separator_marquee_effect=”yes” text_tag=”” text_font_weight=”” title=”WHAT I DO” text=”I love to create, from visual design to helping you refesh your brand. ” holder_padding=”38%” holder_left_padding=”34%” holder_right_padding=”34%”]
[eltdf_section_title position=”” title_tag=”h3″ title_font_weight=”” enable_separator=”no” title=”ART DIRECTION”]

Hands-on Art Direction from brainstorming through execution

[eltdf_section_title position=”” title_tag=”h3″ title_font_weight=”” enable_separator=”no” title=”BRANDING”]

Compelling branding from trade shows to packaging design

[eltdf_section_title position=”” title_tag=”h3″ title_font_weight=”” enable_separator=”no” title=”PRINT DESIGN”]

Striking print design from advertising to marketing materials

[eltdf_section_title position=”” title_tag=”h3″ title_font_weight=”” enable_separator=”no” title=”LOGO DESIGN”]

On-trend logo design

[eltdf_section_title position=”” title_tag=”h3″ title_font_weight=”” enable_separator=”no” title=”WEB & EMAIL DESIGN”]

High performing web and email design

[eltdf_section_title position=”” title_tag=”h3″ title_font_weight=”” enable_separator=”no” title=”EDITORIAL DESIGN”]

Striking editorial design and layout

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[eltdf_section_title position=”left” title_tag=”” title_font_weight=”” enable_separator=”yes” separator_marquee_effect=”yes” title=”ABOUT ME” separator_margin=”37″ holder_right_padding=”31%”]

Innovative Design Director with more than 15 years of proven success in visual and brand design for industries spanning fashion, fine art, home decor, event planning and management, sustainable living and more. Passionate about creating and directing high-impact marketing materials, brand identities and compelling designs that capture the attention and drive response. Shepherds creative departments and product development with ease and thrives in a fast-paced, changing environment. Extensive portfolio includes multichannel marketing, product design, merchandising, packaging and promotions for high-profile events and retailers like Spectrum Miami, Art San Diego, Pier 1, Bed Bath & Beyond, Costco, and more. Enthusiastic team lead with a sense of humor. Problem solver who tackles challenges with enthusiasm. Lifelong art and design enthusiast who lives for design—whether developing digital brands in the office or exploring art and interior projects at home.

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